October 2018 – The EIT RawMaterials Regional Center Leoben visits the Vojvodina region in Serbia

As part of Regional Center’s (RC) ESEE (East & South East Europe) Strategy Anna Meyer visited the EIT Cross KIC RIS Dialogue Conference in Novi Sad. The event provided the possibility to gather information on all the KICs (Knowledge und Innovation Communities des EIT RawMaterials). Due to the cooperation of EIT RawMaterials, EIT Health, EIT Climate KIC, EIT Digital, EIT InnoEnergy and EIT Food a valuable event was designed that opened EIT’s doors to Serbia.

The EIT Cross KIC RIS Dialogue Conference in Novi Sad can be seen as a direct outcome of the 7th ESEE Dialogue Conference in Belgrad, Serbia on the 16.11.2017 organized by the RC Leoben. On the 7th ESEE DC connections between the provincial secretariat of economy and tourism Vojvodina and EIT RawMaterial staff were established and based on those the foundation was laid to set up an EIT Cross KIC RIS Dialogue Conference in Novi Sad, Serbia on the 27.09.2018. This follow up event further shows a gradual inclusion of Serbia to the EIT RawMaterials as well as the EIT in general and is part of a successful ESEE Strategy of the RC Leoben.

September 2018 – The Economic Development Board Singapore shows interest in Montanuniversitaet Leoben

Mr. Lee and Ms. Sun, two delegates from the Economic Development Board Singapore visited Montanuniversitaet Leoben on the 21st September 2018. The aim of the meeting was to establish initial contact and learn about each other’s research and development interests. Vice rector Moser invited representatives of the universities chairs and associated competence centers into the meeting room of the rectorate to meet the EDB delegation. A range of presentations, tailored at the interests of EDB, showed the competencies at Montanuniversitaet Leoben. The following universities chairs and associated competence centers presented themselves and their research activities.

  • Raul Bermejo, Institut für Struktur- und Funktionskeramik
  • Michael Tkadletz, Lehrstuhl für Funktionale Werkstoffe und Werkstoffsysteme
  • Ewald Fauster, Lehrstuhl für Verarbeitung von Verbundwerkstoffen
  • Susanne Feiel, Anna Meyer, Internationales Büro und Resources Innovation Center (RIC)
  • Megan Cordill, Erich Schmid Institut für Materialwissenschaften Leoben
  • Günter Maier, Materials Center Leoben (MCL)
  • Elisabeth Ladstätter, Polymer Competence Center Leoben (PCCL)

Due to mutual interest and some possibilities to cooperate with each other this initial contact meeting proved successful.

September 2018 – This was the Eumicon International Conference

Within the framework of the conference, Montanuniversitaet RIC Leoben organized half a day focusing on “Raw Materials” made in Europe for Europe. These comprised the global consumption of resources of all categories with a future outlook on this development, the extractive industries and their societal acceptance, Europe’s mineral potential, influences of non-European markets on EU raw material’s production, knowledge management on European raw materials supply chains, the renewability of metal resources as well as policy instruments and their influence on innovation in the raw materials sector.

The European raw materials initiative, EUMICON, in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism of the Republic of Austria organized the EUMICON 2018 Conference in Vienna from September 26th to 28th, within the scope of the Austrian EU Council Presidency. An international stakeholder group concerned with sustainable Raw Materials supply for society came together and discussed highly relevant topics revolving around the technological revolution which will bring about a whole new range of products and innovative services in the coming decades: Automated cars, SMART technology, Internet of Things. Knowledge exchange revolved around how such developments will have a significant impact on the added value of the extractive industry and its downstream branches as well as the political conditions which will act as a significant driver – or indeed a brakeman. Access to raw materials, circular economy or robust and fair trade with other regions of the world – all of these factors that will shape the future of the European extractive industry and its value added, were up for discussion in this international expert platform.

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On the picture – the speakers of the program organized by RIC from left to right: Thomas Frömmer (RHI Magnesita), Frank Melcher (MUL), Michael Tost (MUL), Glen Corder (SMI, University of Queensland), Jens Gutzmer (Helmholtz Institut), Constantin Ciupagea (JRC; European Commission), Susanne Feiel (RIC, MUL), Peter Moser (MUL), Jürgen Antrekowitsch (MUL), Andreas Endl (WU Wien)

Oktober 2018 – EU Förderprogramme des EIT RawMaterials – Chancen & Voraussetzungen

Was bietet die Teilnahme an EU Projekten?
Netzwerk: Europa-weites Forschungs- und Ausbildungs-Netzwerk
• Zugang zu Forschungs- und Test-Einrichtungen
• Zugang zu Investoren / Industriepartnern
• Zugang zu Innovationspartnern: neue Materialien, Technologie, Prozesstechnik
• Zugang zu Tools und Information: Datenbanken, Ausbildung, Weiterbildung
• Experten: Forscher, Ingenieure

Das Regional Center Leoben des EIT Raw Materials (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) koordiniert und unterstützt Sie dabei als Teil der Montanuniversität Leoben.

Highlights der Agenda:•
• Kurze Einführung EIT Raw Materials – Netzwerk, Strategie und Ziele
• Projekteinblicke in zwei laufende Projekte
• Aus- / Weiterbildungsprojekt
• Industrieprojekt (Upscaling)
•Brainstorming: „Make raw materials a major strength in Europe” – Wie können wir zur dieser Vision beitragen?
•Welche Möglichkeiten ergeben sich für Ihre Forschung/Ihr Unternehmen?


Bei Fragen melden Sie sich bei Anna Meyer oder Hanno Bertignoll.
Zur besseren Planung bitten wir Sie ihre Teilnahme an Anna Meyer anna.meyer@unileoben.ac.at bekannt zu geben.

October 2018 – Climathon Graz

Join the 24-hour hackathon, where you‘ll collaborate with other participants to find
innovative climate solutions. Become part of a growing movement of empowered
communities and cities!

19 October from 2:30 pm

Download the flyer here

More information and registration here

October 2018 – RM@Schools Austrian Final

RM@Schools Austrian Final on 18th of October 2018 at Montanuniversitaet Loeben

We are happy to announce the RM@Schools Austrian Final at Montanuniversitaet Loeben.

Schools from all parts of Austria will present their ideas on RawMaterials. The aim is to promote all topics related to RawMaterials and to make the students RawMaterials Ambassadors!

Further information can be found on the project website





Join us at the CBGA Conference on Geoscience 10th-13th September 2018 in Salzburg!

Welcome to CBGA 2018 – the conference of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association to be held all four years. CBGA 2018 is aimed bring together geoscientists from southeastern Europe with geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth sciences. CBGA 2018 aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present and discuss their recent research work and ideas with experts in all fields of geosciences. CBGA 2018 is to be held 10–13 September 2018 at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria.

We are looking forward to see you in Salzburg in late summer 2018!

For further information and registration please click here.


July 2018 – CirCOOL Summer School at Montanuniversitaet Leoben

RIC Leoben supports the first CirCOOL Summer School at Montanuniversität Leoben

CirCOOL, the new innovative international Summer School at Montanuniversitaet Leoben took place from 8th-18th July 2018. The team from RIC Leoben provided interesting input on two half days. Setting the scene for the coming days of circular economy learning the international students were given presentations on RIC Leoben’s core activities. Naturally, the focus was on EIT Raw Materials, EIT Climate KIC and the Sustainable Development Goals. Students were provided with interesting information and opportunities for their further studies and career. For example:

  • EIT RawMaterials Start-up Boot Camps and Booster Call
  • Educational project overviews for Raw Materials @ School, ECLC Professional School, Admired Lab and Dubrovnik International Mining School
  • EIT Climate KIC Start-up activities such as Climate Launchpad, Greenhouse, Start-up Accelerator

All presentations embraced the circular economy as core element and showed the CirCOOL student group different points of view that EIT Raw Materials, EIT Climate KIC and the Sustainable Development Goals can add to the circular economy. EIT RM moved resources and their availability into the focus while EIT Climate KIC highlights disruptive change in activities linked to massive greenhouse gas emissions. Lastly, many circular economy practices foster the implantation of the SDGs as well as working on the SDGs improves the move to a more circular economy. The contribution of RIC Leoben was rounded off by an interactive group work on the last day of CirCOOL.

June 2018 – EIT Climate-KIC eröffnet Geschäftsstelle in Österreich

Die EU-Innovationsschmiede EIT Climate-KIC eröffnet heute eine neue Geschäftsstelle in Österreich. Unter der Leitung von Johannes Naimer-Stach wird EIT Climate-KIC Austria ein regionales Partner-Netzwerk aufbauen, welches systematisch Innovationen gegen den Klimawandel fördert. Vier österreichische Partner sind zu Beginn Teil dieses über 300 Mitglieder starken europäischen Partner-Netzwerks: WWF Österreich, die Montanuniverstität LeobenBrainbows und das Austrian Institute of Technology.

“Ich freue mich über die Entscheidung von EIT Climate-KIC, verstärkt in Österreich aktiv zu werden. Dies ist ein gutes Zeichen für klimafreundliche Innovationen in Österreich, gerade vor der bevorstehenden EU-Präsidentschaft.”, so Johannes Naimer-Stach, Country Manager von EIT Climate-KIC Austria.

Neben dem Ausbau des Start-up Accelerator Programmes, werden Innovationsprojekte, wie das Landscape Finance Lab, sowie der 24-Stunden Klima-Hackathon Climathon am 19. & 20. Oktober 2018 in Wien und Graz, Höhepunkte dieses Jahres sein.

Mehr Informationen zu EIT Climate-KIC Austria finden Sie unter: at.climate-kic.org

Über EIT Climate-KIC

Über 300 exzellente Partner aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und öffentlicher Hand bilden mit
EIT Climate-KIC Europas größtes öffentlich-privates Netzwerk für Innovationen gegen den Klimawandel. EIT Climate-KIC ist in 25 europäischen Ländern aktiv und verknüpft Innovationsförderung, ein europäisches Accelerator-Programm für Start-ups, sowie hochwertige Bildungsangebote um systematisch Wissen in wettbewerbsfähige Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu wandeln. Gegründet wurde diese „Knowledge and Information Community“ (KIC) 2010 vom Europäischen Institut für Innovation und Technologie (EIT).

Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter www.climate-kic.org.

May 2018 – EIT Raw Material Partner Summit Strategy Meeting

Regional Center Leoben at the EIT Raw Material Partner Summit Strategy Meeting 29th-30th May 2018, Berlin


The overall goal of the Partner Summit was to refocus the aims and objectives of the EIT Raw Materials and update some parts of the EIT Raw Materials’ strategy (education, RIS, start-ups, financial sustainability, Lighthouse Programmes). Partners of all CLCs were present and invited to share their thoughts on the development of the EIT Raw Materials. Many discussions were held and viewpoints exchanged as to how the network should develop. The EIT management team could collect a multitude of constructive ideas and feedback due to the breaking up of the large participants crowd into smaller groups. Additionally, the event was a perfect networking place and allowed for an exchange of new project ideas and areas of joint innovation.

The Partner Summit Strategy Meeting of EIT Raw Materials was attended by Peter Moser, Hanno Bertignoll and Anna Meyer. Karin Rehatschek joined the following day for the first General Assembly Meeting, where partners voted on recent changes in legal framework and the inclusion or upgrade of new partners.

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