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MiReBooks Available

After much fine-tuning, the first edition of MiReBooks in printed form has been printed and is now available. These books will take mining education to a higher level by incorporating VR and AR elements into teaching!

Research Center on Hydrogen and Carbon Officially Opened

The new research center for hydrogen and carbon in Leoben ceremoniously opened its doors on October 17, 2024.
Rector Peter Moser and Vice-Rector Helmut Antrekowitsch emphasized the key role of the new research center for the future development of energy technologies and the importance of cooperation between science and industry. Advanced process technologies are being developed here that will make it possible to provide large quantities of hydrogen for industry. At the same time, the entire value-added cycle of hydrogen and carbon – from production, transportation and storage through to application – is being researched.
Another focus is on researching the sustainable use of carbon in the areas of agriculture, construction and high-tech applications, such as hydrogen storage.

Dipl.-Ing. Robert Obenaus-Emler

Robert leads our activities in the area of research, development and innovation management with a focus on direct research cooperation with industry.
The coordination of individual chairs within the university is essential when dealing with questions from industrial partners to combine the expert knowledge of all relevant disciplines of the MUL in the highest quality.
Currently, the focus is on supporting the quickest and most environmentally compatible implementation towards a commercial scale of the sustainable production of hydrogen and carbon, the efficient use of waste and residual materials with a low ecological footprint, the evaluation and development of technologies in the field of CO2 capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), the further development of sustainable building materials, and the increased integration of life cycle analyses already in the phase of developing new technical processes on a laboratory scale.

Robert studied rock metallurgy in Leoben, with stays abroad at the Colorado School of Mines (USA) as well as the Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal and McGill University (Canada) and was already active in industry-related research projects during his studies.

At a glance


Optimising the Tantalum Recycling Process through Conditioning of Raw Materials, Process Automation and Material Logistics

The project goals of OpTaRec are resource efficiency, improved cost efficiency and product quality in the processing of secondary raw materials. Specifically, a testing process for the tantalum used to recovery. The gained know-how is then consequently published in scientific publications, also a guide is prepared and made available for third parties to implement.

Duration: 04/2017 – 12/2020

Partner: Montanuniversität Leoben (Chair of Nonferrous Metallurgy), Clausthal University of Technology, Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH Aachen), TANIOBIS GmbH, TANIOBIS Smelting GmbH & Co.KG

DIM ESEE – Innovation in Mineral Extraction Summer School

18 – 20 October 2023 in Dubrovnik/Croatia

do you want to learn about the latest trends in mechanical hard rock excavation?
Then come to join us in Dubrovnik in October! The RIC team managed to invite
experts from SANDVIK and EPIROC who will present their latest technology!

There will also be machines for use at extremely low mining heights from DOK-ING, innovative blasting methods, as well as insights into research projects around mining with robots and microorganisms.
Get more details and apply here: