March 2020 – #RawMaterialsTransition

How to increase Austria’s future perspectives through a new raw material strategy?

On 4th March 2020 the Working Group on Raw Materials, an association of Austrian NGOs, invited relevant stakeholders and the public to discuss the new raw materials strategy. Last year the Austrian government decided on the drafting of an “integrated Austrian raw materials strategy”. The present strategy is mainly based on the security of supply of the Austrian economy. However, the new and integrated strategy should include ecological and social aspects as well as use circular economy as a guiding framework. The planned renewal of the strategy will be done through a participative process, which is highly welcomed by the NGOs. To start the dialogue, the Group invited representatives from regions all over the world in order to hear their experiences concerning regional raw material exploitation and use as well as the connected consequences. The event ended with a discussion on the podium on the question of the next necessary political steps for a new integrated raw material strategy.